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Bruderhof Communities

Post time 2017-10-05 13:09:19 | 4526views0replies Show the author posts only |View large image Reply Awards |Ascending
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"Now the company of those who believed were of one heart and soul, and not one said that any of the things which he possessed was his own, but they had everything in common."

—Acts 4:32

Common Purse and Property
None of us owns anything personally, and our communal property belongs not to us as a group but to the cause of Christ. Anyone who has decided to become a member freely gives all property, earnings, and inheritances to the church community. In turn, all necessities such as food, housing, and health care are provided for. Members generally work for and in the community, but none of us receives a paycheck, stipend, or allowance. In our homes and daily lives, we try to live frugally and give generously, to avoid excess, and to remain unfettered by materialism. In these practical ways we seek to witness that under the stewardship of the church, everything we have is available to anybody in need.

Typical housing is in apartment buildings, with each family assigned its own living space and bedrooms. Everyone has the same basic furnishings, with most living areas containing a table and chairs, a simple sofa, and a kitchen area. Single members usually have a family assigned to them for mutual support, in which case the single person has his or her own bedroom but shares the living space and family activities. Many of the larger settlements have common buildings, such as a dining hall, laundry, and elementary school.

Several times a week, all members of a community eat together. We consider common meals – enjoyed outdoors when the weather allows – to be an important and joyful part of church community life. We often have visitors eating with us, especially at Saturday dinner. At a mealtime, you may hear group singing or stories being read. Common meals are also a time to celebrate occasions such as birthdays, anniversaries, and important holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter. Every time we come together to eat is a time of thanksgiving and fellowship.

As with other religious traditions whose members may don robes, habits, or vestments, the Bruderhof has a distinct style of modest and utilitarian dress. Men wear simple trousers and shirts. Women wear long skirts and head scarves. There are many reasons for and benefits of this approach. It allows us to not have to think about choosing an outfit, which frees our minds for other things. Simple, modest dress helps remove the competition and sexualization that fashion can bring. Same dress also gives us a feeling of solidarity with each other – it is an outward sign that we are all on the same path of discipleship.

While we share all we have with each other, we reject any attempts to make people uniform. We are all of equal worth but must be free to be ourselves. We are called to serve God and neighbor with the gifts and interests God has given each of us. Some members are called to teach, some to proclaim the gospel, some to praise God through music and art. We practice our gifts through our work within the community, but there is also plenty of time to explore and nurture individual pursuits. Members’ interests include gardening, writing, painting, pottery, woodworking, piano, brewing beer, beekeeping, and fishing. The more originality there is among us, the more vibrant our fellowship will be.

Jesus said to them, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.’
- Mark 10:14

Families on the Bruderhof
Families of mother, father, and children are the basic units of the Bruderhof community, and each family is given its own personal space and privacy to develop strong relationships. Parents are primarily responsible for raising their children, though we offer many supportive resources such as babysitting and schools. Single-parent households receive particular support so that children grow up with both men and women as role models. Extended families can be quite large, with adult siblings living among different settlements with their own families. When parents become elderly, their children and grandchildren often live nearby to provide companionship and help care for them. Some people who have grown up in the Bruderhof decide as adults that this life is not their calling; we still enjoy close relationships and visits with those family members.

Central to family life is marriage – a creation of God and a sacrament that precedes and transcends the authority of the state. Christ declared marriage to be the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and he intended it be a joyful union for the bearing and raising of children.

In addition to making vows of poverty, Bruderhof members also make vows of chastity, which require abstinence before marriage and outside of it. We rejoice when a man and a woman are led to true love by God. Marriage vows are made publicly before the gathered members as witnesses, and the marriage is then confirmed by the church through the laying on of hands.

We have reverence for members who remain single by choice or circumstance. In their life of chastity, they give witness to Jesus’ call to purity and singleness of heart. A single person who does not live near his family is welcomed into another Bruderhof family to share meals, activities, and support.

Children are the heart of our church community, and we believe they are the foundation of any healthy society. The Bruderhof looks to children as an example to adults about how to be and act in the world. Children demand honesty and justice, demonstrate simplicity, forgive quickly, love easily, and look at the world with fresh eyes of innocence and wonder. Jesus implores us to become like children in order to enter the kingdom of heaven.

Many societies either devalue children or place too many stressors upon them. The Bruderhof prioritizes children, and in doing so, we try to ensure children are able to live as children. We encourage play, moral and ethical choices, an awareness of the wider world, and the natural development of an individual’s gifts.

Love all God’s creation, both the whole and every grain of sand… If you love each thing, you will perceive the mystery of God in all.
- Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Living Simply in the Bruderhof
The Bruderhof values simplicity and responsibility in all aspects of our lives. In prayer, for example, we approach God humbly. Spoken prayers are straightforward. We have no detailed liturgies or consecrated buildings. Whenever possible, we meet, worship, and share common meals outdoors.

In our relationships with others, there is no law but that of love. Humans have conflicts and differences of opinion; this does not surprise us. Yet we strive not to harbor resentments or speak ill of someone. As Christ teaches us, we speak directly to our brother or sister whenever there is anything between us.

We believe in not spending money on ourselves or accumulating possessions beyond what is essential, as is described of the early Christians in Acts 2 and 4. We may have the resources to buy expensive furniture or the latest technology, but instead we seek to live frugally so that we may give generously. Limiting material consumption also allows us to leave a smaller footprint on the earth.
The natural environment is God’s creation. We marvel at this wonder and strive to nurture and maintain it. Outdoor lessons, activities, and education are essential to our schooling. We cultivate our own farms and gardens, and wherever possible grow our own meat and produce free from chemicals. We continue to explore ways to reduce our environmental impact through processes such as solar and geothermal energy.


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