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800 Values for New Era Human Being: No.701~800
800 Values for New Era Human Being: No.701~800


701.To unify all thoughts and all beliefs into the Greatest Creator’s will and all religions into one uniform belief system; the whole world will be one family; a stateless world will be in great harmony.THIS is the main theme of the New Era.

702.The existences of families, states, political parties, and religions are the root causes of the following:
  • The pollution of the Earth’s environment
  • The global polarization between the rich and the poor
  • The irrational allocation of resources
  • The turmoil in the world and the crisis of humankind
  • The hardships of the lower-classes
  • The huge waste of human and material resources

703.The world should move toward unification and becoming a global community; it is best to strengthen the role and function of the United Nations continuously for it to eventually become the global government.

704.Every citizen on earth should regard themselves as citizens of the entire earth, not merely of a region or country.

705.The Earth belongs to its citizens; they have the right to migrate and move freely throughout it.

706.Heaven will become clear and bright when all is unified, the earth will become peaceful, deities will be effective, grain will be abundant; all things thrive when unified and saints’ ideas become universal when they pursue the uniform truth. The whole of mankind can have only one government, one belief, one order, and one pattern; we can only have one goal, one wish, one path to build, and one road to follow all through our lives, otherwise we will not be able to realize true clarity, peace, effectiveness, and prosperity. Excess breeds confusion and heterogeneity causes irritation; this is history. Only if “all thoughts and beliefs are unified into the Greatest Creator’s will”, and “all religions are unified into one uniform belief system”, can uniformity be realized. Only if uniformity is realized, can we enjoy harmony, peace, auspiciousness, good weather, and happy, joyful, free, and blessed lives.

707.Unmarried people should be elected as leaders in all regions. Unmarried people are more selfless and open-minded; less tied and troubled than those who are married and have families. In a word, unmarried leaders are better than married ones with familial relations and are more in line with the interests of the general public.

708.Localism and nationalism are symbols of barbarism and fatuity. No affairs on earth belong to any particular nation or local adherents. Rather, they belong to the whole of humanity. The administrations of every region should be exercised not by the people chosen from among the locals or from among a local nation but by the most outstanding talents selected from the whole of humanity. It is only if the talented are entrusted with important missions that the whole world can be united as a single family and the toiling multitudes can obtain freedom and happiness.

709.All affairs are of concern to all people. Everyone has the power endowed by their creator to condemn and intervene in the affairs of all countries, all political parties, all religions, all nationalities, and all organizations everywhere in the world.

710.The first universal core value is the belief in the Greatest Creator; the cornerstone of all universal values. Faith has nothing to do with religion.

711.On the first day of 2018, mankind entered the New Era, namely, the Lifechanyuan Era. The symbol of this is that we have prepared a huge theoretical system for mankind to enter the New Era; we have resolved everything in practice. At the same time, the international family has come into being on a legal level. In addition, the number of single people who are unwilling to marry has increased worldwide, the divorce rate has risen dramatically, and travel visas between countries are becoming more and more convenient. All these are significant indicators that the world has entered the New Era.

712.Objective things will not be transformed by man’s free will; mountains cannot stop Spring from coming. When the earth is frozen, everything looks solid and strong, but when the spring wind blows, snow and ice melt and all the grasses become lively. Families, states, political parties, and religions seem very strong, but will inevitably collapse when the flavor of the New Era comes. Nothing is indestructible.

713.New Era people will not be managed by laws or be ruled by people, but will rather be ruled in compliance with Tao, the core of which is taking the way of the Greatest Creator. The core of the Greatest Creator’s way is the way of nature, and the core of nature’s way is the harmonious coexistence between people with people, people with society, and people with nature.

714.The way for people to get along with each other is to make each other happy, joyful, free, and blessed.

715.The way for people to get along with society is “the talented will be put to good use, and the whole world will be one family” and “no one will pocket anything found on the ground, and doors are not bolted at night”; share bliss while shoulder misfortune together and coordinate globally to share resources.

716.The way for people to get along with nature is to keep the mountains green, the water clean, the sky blue, the mountains and rivers beautiful, the soil rich, the fish and shrimp abundant, and to protect wild animals from harm, poultry and livestock from abuse, with singing birds and fragrant flowers everywhere, and always favorable weather.

717.In the New Era, the funeral and interment system of Lifechanyuan is implemented: the body is cremated and the ashes are scattered across rivers, lakes, seas, green mountains, and fields, which dispenses with the building of tombs, the keeping of ashes, the establishment of memorials, and all marks and traces.

718.In the New Era, no one celebrates birthdays, but only natural festivals such as Spring Festival, Qingming Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Water-splashing Festival; no celebrations or festivals related to gods, Buddhas, fairies, people, states, political parties, religions, or the military, including Christmas Day, Buddha’s Birthday, and so on.

719.In the New Era, people no longer exchange gifts or hold celebrations for relocation, promotions, birthdays, or other affairs for which gifts have traditionally been exchanged.

720.In the New Era, churches, Buddhist temples, mosques, and Taoist temples, are no longer built.

721.In the New Era, the interests of all humankind are above those of the local and of the individual. Personal and local interests should be subjected to the interests of all humankind.

722.Let the talented bring their genius into full play and make the best use of everything; let everyone work and have shelter.

723.Sages manage affairs without action and preach doctrine without words.

724.Exalt not the wise so that people shall not scheme and contend.

725.Prize not rare objects so that people shall not steal.

726.Shut out of site things of desire so that people’s hearts shall not be disturbed.

727.Banish wisdom, discard knowledge; banish humanity, discard justice; banish cunning, discard utility.

728.Tao’s principles operate naturally. Renounce all ethical sermons.

729.Accomplish but claim no credit.

730.Sages love:
  • In their dwellings, they love the earth
  • In their hearts, they love the profound
  • In their relations with others, they love kindness
  • In their words, they love sincerity
  • In government, they love peace
  • In business affairs, they love ability
  • In their actions, they love choosing the right time

731.When gold and jade fill your hall, you will be unable to protect them;
To be proud with wealth and honor is to sow the seeds of your own downfall.
Retire when your work is done; such is the way of Tao.

732.By the existence of things, we profit; by the non-existence of things, we are served.

733.Those who value the world as themselves may then be entrusted with the government of the world; those who love the world as themselves may then be entrusted to care for the world.

734.Those who identify will be welcomed gladly:
  • Those who identify with Tao will be welcomed gladly by Tao
  • Those who identify with virtue will be welcomed gladly by Virtue
  • Those who identify with abandonment will be welcomed gladly by Abandonment
  • Those who identify with Satan will be welcomed gladly by Satan

735.Good ones need nothing:
  • Good runners leave no tracks
  • Good speeches leave no flaws for attack
  • Good reckoners make use of no counters
  • Well-shut doors make use of no bolts yet cannot be opened
  • Well-tied knots make use of no rope yet cannot be untied

Sages are good at helping people; therefore no one is rejected. They are good at saving things; therefore no thing is rejected.

736.The world is God’s own Vessel
  • It cannot be used or held
  • Those who useit spoil it
  • Those who hold it lose it

737.The Sage eschews excess, eschews extravagance, eschews pride.

738.Those of superior virtue are not conscious of their virtue; hence, they attain it. Those of inferior virtue are intent on not losing their virtue; hence, they are devoid of it.

739.Do not discuss in a higher presence:
  • In the presence of Tao, do not discuss virtue
  • In the presence of virtue, do not discuss benevolence
  • In the presence of benevolence, do not discuss righteousness
  • In the presence of righteousness, do not discuss courtesy(Courtesy mainly refers to rules, laws, and regulations.)

740.There is no greater curse than the lack of contentment and no greater sin than the desire for possession.

741.When governments are lazy and dull, their people are unspoiled;
when governments are efficient and smart, their people are discontented.
Good fortune lies within Bad, Bad fortune lurks within good.

742.The Tao of heaven blesses but does not harm; the Way of the Sage accomplishes but does not contend.

743.In the New Era, everyone needs health-cultivation to be free from disease. Health-cultivation needs the cultivation of essence, qi, spirit, and body. Before health cultivation, we need mind cultivation; before mind cultivation, we need virtue cultivation; before virtue cultivation, we need to enter Tao. Those who are good at health-cultivation can offer preventative treatments for diseases:
  • Less speech nourishes the internal qi
  • Forgetting anxiety and stress nourishes the spirit qi
  • Mild taste nourishes the blood qi
  • Avoiding anger nourishes the lung qi
  • Eating sparingly nourishes the stomach qi
  • Less thought nourishes the liver qi
  • Less desire nourishes the heart qi
  • Less lust nourishes the essence qi

Before you can cultivate your body, you first must calm your mind and be free from worry, persistence, delusion, lust, greed, and indulgence. Settle your inner spirit down while keeping your desire out.

744.What affects us?
  • Fasting will cause you to lose weight
  • Freedom from lust will clear your spirit
  • Freedom from anxiety and stress will put your heart at peace
  • A peaceful heart will lead to spiritual perception and to achieveTao
  • A troubled heart will leave you exhausted
  • Excessive physical exertion will leave you timid
  • Being too spiritual will make you weak
  • Expending too much qi will finish you
  • Being free from anxiety and stress will give you good spirit
  • Speak less, and your qi will be good
  • Be free from lust, and your essence will be sufficient
  • Meat-eaters have thick auras, plant-eaters have clean auras, grain-eaters are wise, and qi-eaters are invigorated.

745.How do things affect qi?
  • Anger drives qi up
  • Joy smoothens qi
  • Sadness eliminates qi
  • Fear lowers qi
  • Coldness restrains qi
  • Heat allows qi to escape
  • Shock scatters qi
  • Overexertion expends qi
  • Thinking blocks qi
  • Silence generates qi
  • Watching for too long hurts the blood
  • Lying in bed for too long hurts qi
  • Sitting for too long hurts the flesh
  • Standing for too long hurts bones
  • Walking for too long hurts muscles

746.Eat sparingly, sleep regularly, do not overwork or overuse your mind or body. Those who fear and think will harm their spirits, but those who are happy and joyous will not preserve theirs; those who are sorrowful will block their flow of qi; Those who are angry will be confused but will not be cured;those who are scared will not restrain and quiet their spirits.

747.Keeping calm and indifferent to fame and gain will prevent misery from approaching and evil from invading,strengthening your bones and muscles will keep your body healthy,reducing your cravings will preserve your spiritual health, and talking less will maintain your blessings sufficiently. Guard your eyes from improper sights, your ears from improper words, your nose from foul odors, your mouth from strong flavors and poison, and your mind from considering deceptive actions.

748.When you love someone, do not love them too much; when you hate someone, do not hate them too much. Keep fewer thoughts in your mind, fewer words in your mouth, less food in your stomach, and get less sleep at night. Excessive sleep makes your spirit dizzy, frequent drunkenness makes your qi scatter, excessive sweating hurts the blood, and exhaustion of strength damages the body.Moving continuously without resting disturbs your qi and frightens your spirit. Ascending to extreme heights causes serious shocks.

749.Remain undisturbed whether granted favouror subjected to humiliation, and your liver will be peaceful; Keep deferential and grateful whether in stillness or motion, and your heart will be calm; eat sparingly, and your spleen will not leak; practice pranayama and less speech, and your lungs will be sound; stay indifferent and do not crave, and your kidneys will be sufficient. Eat before you are hungry, but stop before you are full.

Overeating hurts the spleen and stomach, and excessive thirst hurts the blood and the qi. Eat not to dullness in hunger and drink not to elevation in thirst to avoid food expansion and hurting your heart and lungs. Prevent the wind from blowing against your back, for no one enjoys longevity when the back of their head is constantly blown upon.

750.Anger weakens your qi, and illnesses will invade when your qi is weak; thoughts damage your spirit, and your heart is prone to uneasiness when your spirit is tied. Avoid extremes of joy and sorrow, eat a balanced diet, do not get drunkat night, and most importantly, never get upset in the morning. Do not see, hear, speak, or think about evil or improperness. Purify your heart and restrict your desire, stay indifferent to fame and gain, empty your brain, and then attain quietness in motion. Let your heart be at ease and your kidneys at rest, and lead a restful life.

751.Consolidate and you will be better:
  • Consolidate your liver’s essence or your eyes will be dizzy and lack lustre
  • Consolidate your lungs’ essence or your muscles will atrophy and be weak
  • Consolidate your kidneys’ essence or your spirit and qi will be weak
  • Consolidate your spleen’s essence or your hair will fall and your teeth will decay
  • Do not overwork when moving, for that will damage your qi
  • Do not remain immobile, for that will coagulate your blood and block your qi
  • Enjoy a long life by not overworking your body or draining your essence
  • Look without seeing, and your mind will remain innocent; then your spirit will guard your body and give you longevity.

752.There are eight unlivable places:
  • Where there are dirt and mess
  • Where there is noise
  • Where there is negativity
  • Where there is trouble
  • Where there is hostility
  • Where there are gloom and dampness
  • Where there is no fresh air to breathe
  • Where graves and temples are near

753.Those who revere and respect LIFE do not harm their bodies by over-supporting themselves with wealth and rank, do not exhaust their bodies to rise above poverty and low status, can shake off their desires, and can feel calm, purify their minds, and clean their spirits. Foresight, retentive memories, worry, sorrow, sadness, fear, anger, puzzlement, anxiety over what has been wished, and disharmony between Yin and Yang all hurt people.

754.You flow from your essence
  • Water has its source, so it surely flows far
  • Trees have their roots, so they surely are leafy
  • Houses have their bases, so their pillars surely are straight
  • People have their essence, so they surely live long lives

755.Your pillow must be neither too high nor too low; too high causes the liver to shrink, but too low causes the lungs to shrink.
  • Tears from the eyes cause the liver to leak
  • Mucous from the nose causes the lungs to leak
  • Saliva from mouth causes the kidneys to leak
  • Sweating while awake causes the heart to leak
  • Sweating while asleep causes the small intestines to leak
  • Drooling while asleep causes the brain to leak
  • Dreaming of intimacy with ghosts causes the spirit to leak
  • Lustful people cause their own bodies to leak.

One with full spirit does not want sleep; one with full qi does not want food; one with full essence does not want lust.

756.The taboo of a day is stuffing oneself; the taboo of a month is getting drunk; the taboo of a year is excessive work and rage; the the taboos of a lifetime are being bullied in the early morning, observing only your faith, keeping peace, not being thoughtful, and scheming. Sadness causes streams of tears, bitterness causes the nose to run, anger generates goitre, rage causes deep-rooted ulcers, your heart desires what your qi reaches, and you can generate everything. Great people restrain their grief and bitterness and refrain from anger.

757.Lack of physical bonding between sexualpartners, Yin and Yang, causes diseases to form due to blood stasis and qi stagnation. Therefore, those who remain celibate and abstinent are prone to be sickly and short-lived, while excessive indulgence in lust will damage their lives. Rich food smooths the intestines but also causes phlegm; breakfasts should be simple and early, lunches should be rich and full, and dinners should be small. Following these rules, one can have a long and healthy life.

758.Lead a leisurely and unrestrained life without cravings or painstaking effort. Enjoy life no matter where you are or what you are doing:
  • When your kidneys are immobile, your essence is preserved
  • When your body is immobile, your qi is preserved
  • When your heart is immobile, your spirit is preserved
When your essence, your qi, and your spirit are perfectly preserved, you will become naturally immortal.

759.It is no disgrace to be poor and lowly, but it is to flatter and beg others; it is no honor to gain wealth and rank, but it is to benefit the world with wealth and rank.

760.Gaining fame and wealth that should not be gained invites fortune to become misfortune, but enduring hardships and poverty that arethehardest to bear invites bitterness to become sweetness.

761.Misfortune comes very easily from wealth and rank; we need to stay sincere, honest, and humble to avoid great trouble; fortunes and blessings are originally destined; we must remain thrifty and simple in order to extend their time with us.

762.We are born with consciences and would be no higher that the birds and beasts without them; saints and sages teach people the correct way, but people always go through thistles and thorns when deviating from it.

763.There are no fools in the world; how can one deceive others in vain hope? Suffering is everywhere; how can one enjoy leisure alone?

764.Material wealth causes wise people to lose their ambition, but foolish people to sin more. In either case, accumulating material wealth and then leaving it to one’s children does irreparable harm.

765.People might not encounter difficulty, but they should not forget about it; flukes happen, but people should not keep them on their minds.
766.It is sinful to bang the drum to guide people the wrong way.

767.People need to be earnest and down to earth in order to perform deeds of merit and to set up businesses because remaining even slightly lustful for fame will misdirect them toward achieving the wrong goals. Self-cultivation should be based on the idea of a void; if one cares more for success, then they will descend into the level of the vulgar world.

768.With a constantly clear head, one can avoid heavenly punishments; with a spotlessly clean conscience, one canuntiethe divine mesh.

769.A merciful attitude is the root that sprouts to make all living beings survive and grow, and the moral courage to refrain from doing wrong can be a tower of strength for the world. Therefore, one of noble character neither bears to harm an insect nor embezzle a single penny to set the core values of humanity and establish the meanings of life and LIFE for all living beings.

770.To find the truth when fame and fortune disappear, youmayreduce your craving; to find the cause of your suffering from adversity, you may stop complaining.

771.Heaven gives you a small piece of luckto embolden you before giving you a serious disaster; do not be too happy when luck comes, the important thing is how you enjoy it.

Heaven gives you a small disaster to admonish you before giving you great luck; do not be sad when disaster comes, the important thing is how you remedy it.

772.How long is life? Life is as short as the spark from stones knocking into iron; how big can it be in such a vast universe? The world where people compete with each other is as tiny as a snail’santenna.

773.Knowing that there are both successes and failures in life, it is unnecessary to persist too much for success; knowing that life and death are the roots of each other, it is unnecessary to struggle too much for a nourishing life.

774.Leading an easy and wealthy life, one should learn the pain of the poor; being young and strong, one should understand the bitterness of the old.

775.Do not reproach others for small faults; do not reveal their private matters; do not bear grudges against them. Refraining from doing those three things helps to cultivate one’s moral character and to avoid disaster.

776.Those who give happiness have rich souls, those who give joy have rich spirits, and those who give blessings have material wealth.

777.The pursuit of life leads to endless troubles, but the pursuit of death leads to endless benefits.

778.Those who oppress the poor insult their maker, but those who are kind to them honor theirs.

779.Laying good foundations in advance is better than setting tents and building houses hastily on sandy beaches; improving the soil first is better than sowing seeds in barren fields.

780.Do NOT:
  • Do not damage the whole for the sake of a small reward
  • Do not favor yourself by pretending to cater to publicity
  • Do not contrast others’ shortcoming to your advantages
  • Do not envy others’ advantages over your shortcomings
  • Do not use power and authority to bully the weak and lonely
  • Do not willfully kill beasts and birds for your mouth and belly
  • Do not abandon your own opinion because of group doubts
  • Do not reject others’ advice because of your own stubbornness
  • Do not heed only one side in case you are deceived by the wicked
  • Do not be wayward and driven by anger

781.Good fortunes cannot be seized by scheming; maintaining a happy mood is the right way to invite them. Disasters cannot be shunned by flukes; discarding hatred and grudges from one’s mind is how to avoid them.

782.Too much enjoyment brews disaster; abnormal acts forebode misfortune.

783.The faithful do not pray for happiness, but heaven helps them to fulfill their wishes without their awareness. Vicious people are most concerned with avoiding calamities, but as they move to do so, Heaven deprives them of their senses and leaves them defenceless against them.

784.If you have done nothing to trouble your conscience, then you should not fear a late-night knock on your door. Nothing can be concealed, for gods are watching just above your head.

785.Those who do not want their faults to manifest themselves in the open should first ensure that nothing is amiss in their darkest closets. Live in silt, but remain unstained; know about schemes, but do not be lured.

786.The beauty of all things is the masterwork of the Greatest Creator, whose love can be felt upon all of us.

787.Merits and mistakes do not offset each other; undoubtedly, the guilty and wrong have to be punished regardless of their other great merits.

788.Upbringing, self-cultivation, and self-restraint are compulsory courses throughout life.

789.Cosmic geometry tells us that the world we live in is not Euclidean. That is, the circles of Euclidean geometry are not really circles and parallel lines eventually intersect, diverge, or both. The sums of the three inner angles of triangles are not 180º. Therefore, no one should negate ideology which you take as unnatural or unreasonable based on your personal experience. Different realms lead to different understandings.

790.The wave-particle duality tells us that the nature of things or the way that they move  depend on the observer’s consciousness and that different consciousnesses create different realities. It can be concluded that heaven and hell exist just as the rich and poor exist, from which we know that these 800 Values for New Era Human Being will bring peace and happiness to everyone.

791.Superstring theory bridges the incompatibility between general relativity and quantum theory, which argues that strings do not move in normal three-dimensional space, but inhigh-dimensionalspace which we cannot comprehend. Our past conception about space was wrong; space is not limited to three dimensions, but could have as many as ten, or even twenty-six. Paradoxes and contradictions are always eventually reconciled. We can never reconcile them unless we increase our understanding and cling to theories of “absolute truth”.

792.Cosmic holography shows that people are a part of nature. The vibration of a butterfly’s wings in Alaska can eventually lead to a storm in the Cape of Good Hope, so no one should ignore their own little efforts; someone’s small cough will also cause heaven to vibrate.

793.Why are scientists unable to find a Unified Field Theory? Because scientists only recognize the first four forces: the weak force, the strong force, gravity, and magnetism, but not the second four forces: the tectonic force, the repulsive force, the conscious force, and the spiritual force. This shows that there are blind spots in both science and religion. The only way to solve these blind spots is with holographic theory.

794.When you step onto a thorn, your brain should sense it instantly. If it does not, that is not because there is no thorn, but because your brain is either too slow or dull or is malfunctioning. The world is about to change greatly; sensitive brains must have sensed this. If yours has not, then you must reconsider your thinking and reposition your outlook on life, your sense of values, your worldview, and your understanding and awareness of LIFE!

795.When you think you are right, you are probably wrong.

796.There are eight Ways in the mortal world:
  • The Way of the Greatest Creator
  • The Way of Gods
  • The Way of Buddha
  • The Way of Celestial beings
  • The Way of Humans
  • The Way of Animals and Plants
  • The Way of Ghosts
  • The Way of Devils

797.Without ending your worldly ties, you will transmigrate; without paying off your debts, you will return.

798.If you are confused and unable to find answers from humanity’s historical experiences and accumulated knowledge, then try to read the book without words.

799.It is said that “The core of truth is in one sentence, while falseness is spread over millions of books”. Actually, one sentence is too long, the core of truth is only one word: NATURE.

800.These 800 Values for New Era Human Beings are an open system. Time and space change ceaselessly, new thoughts, new ideas, and new methods emerge endlessly, and these 800 Values are subject to constant updating and perfection. This is the third revision; with the developments of the era, that which should be added will be added, and that which should be deleted will be deleted. We shall never follow the beaten track and the old routine or stick to obsolete ideas stubbornly, and we shall never impose limitations. While Deiform Buddha is in the human world, he will take charge to add and delete; when Deiform Buddha passes on, saints and sages will take charge and continue to do so. No one else may add to it or delete from it because that could compromise its holographic order.

xidai on 2018-4-12 11:52:29 momentpublished in Community Culture
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