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NewOasisForLife A New Life Mode for Human Being
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A New Life Mode for Human Being Has Come into Being


The ideal life mode once dreamed of by many sages, as what the ancient Greek philosopher Plato wrote in his dialogue The Republic, the One World that Confucius was after, and the Communist Society that Karl Marx pursued, has been practiced and realized now on earth. This new life mode is beyond what Plato, Confucius, Karl Marx, and other sages had imagined and described. It was born in a completely new way, and this brand new life mode is the idyllic the Second Home founded by Lifechanyuan.


The life mode of the Second Home is totally different from the traditional life mode we are familiar with. Many sages and saints’ dream has completely come true – People live in a worry-free environment where troubles, bitterness, anxiety, desperation, and fear are reduced to the minimum, as are conflicts, fights, and crimes. An all-around harmonious and sustainable co-existence between man and nature, man and society, and man and man is realized. Our seven years practice and experiences have fully proved that this new life mode is more than just successful; it will be developing continuously and healthily and will have an extremely bright future.


At the peak time of 2013, we have a total of 180 residents living in our community which includes thirteen children. The age of the oldest resident is eighty-seven while the youngest is only three. 180 people live in three separate branches; the biggest branch has seventy-two residents, and the smallest has forty-five. Most people are from the rural areas of China, the education level of the majority is middle school, and slightly more than half are female and middle-aged, and the average age in the community is around forty.


The Second Home implements a paradise management mode. The gist of it is that no management is the best management. This mode stimulates and motivates the qualities of sincerity, kindness, beauty, love, faithfulness, and honesty in human nature, and in creating a proper atmosphere that brings those qualities into full play. There is no management team or leaders and everyone does their work voluntarily. There are no offices and no meetings or gatherings are held except for Monday and Wednesday nights, which are the times for group study, and Friday nights, which is the time for everyone to discuss and solve any issue that may have arisen in day-to-day life. Everyone here is first and foremost an ordinary worker; there are branch managers to organize the running of the branch, whose role is neither manager nor leader, but a coordinator who arranges and coordinates the branch’s daily activities.


There are no more traditional “families” in the Second Home. The husband-and-wife relationship pattern is automatically broke when the couple begins living in the community, and they become independent of each other. This is not to say that they cannot remain close to each, as relationships are free. The nurture and education of children and the care of the senior residents are the full responsibility of the community which means that parents and children are no more responsible for each other.


All jobs in the Second Home are professionalized and specialized, big or small, there is one person in charge of each. The chef only cooks, the washer only does the laundry, the cleaner only cleans, the gardener only gardens, and chicken grower only raises chickens, vegetable growers only grow veges, and the one who cultivates economic crops just focus on making sure the crop grow well. Builders only do the building and maintenance work. The purchaser, driver, hairdresser, health care specialist, and tailor do other jobs when their main tasks are finished. Homeschool teaching is a part-time job, so teachers are involved in other things when they are available.


The main income of the Second Home is from the donations of its founder Xuefeng and his wife, and Chanyuan celestials. We grow a variety of our own vegetables, the supply of which can now meet the demands of all our residents. We consume about 300 of our own chicken and duck eggs each day, which ensures that everybody has one or two each day. The meals are mainly vegetarian, but we do have meat occasionally.


In the past seven years time since the Second Home was founded, our community has never had any form of attrition and conflict with our neighbors. Actually, we keep a very friendly relationship with our neighbors. Internally, the community residents have never had any quarrels, arguments, abuses, or fights, and everyone get well along with other people. Also, crimes and other violations of the law are never seen here, and gambling, drug abuse, prostitution and stealing have totally disappeared.


The environments of our branches have become idyllic. In Yunnan, all branches are surrounded by green mountains and clean streams; luxuriant plants and trees are everywhere. We have a variety of fruit trees, especially pear, bayberry, peach, and chestnut, which produce more fruits than our residents can consume. More than seventy different kinds of flowers blossom throughout the year. Our home is clean and tidy everywhere, especially the kitchen, dinning room, and public toilets, and you can hardly see any stains. The criss-crossed brick or cement walkways in the orchards extend in all directions. In our 4th branch, brooks can be heard babbling everywhere and the crystal mountain spring flows through the front of everyone’s bedrooms and the vegetable garden. Rooms of all branches are managed according to hotel standards; all rooms are equipped with a wooden bed, a desk, a chair, and a wardrobe closet. Each of the later bedrooms that we built have a spacious bathrooms and closets; all rooms have two windows which allow abundant sunlight and fresh air to come in. We also built an entertainment hall which can hold three hundred people and a five-star level dining hall which can seat a hundred and fifty people.


Other than a small number of children who live together in a single big room, all adults have individual bedrooms. The ideal of ”No one pockets anything found on the road and doors are not bolted at night” has been completely realized in the Second Home. There has never been any case of theft, nobody ever lost anything, and people can keep their door open in the daytime and leave them unlocked at night. Breaking into other people’s bedrooms without permission at any time is strictly forbidden.


The meal standard in our community is above the worldwide average, with  the main course usually consisting of rice, steamed bread, steamed stuffed buns, twisted rolls, noodles, Chinese dumplings, or spring onion pancakes. The vegetables include standard and Chinese cabbage, carrots, eggplant, cucumbers, capsicums, tomatoes, potatoes, cauliflower, chives, celery, string beans, and melons. The meal is usually served buffet style, so everybody takes what they want and the food supply is always enough to feed everyone.


All residents “own nothing but have everything”. All properties belong to everyone; individuals own neither property nor money, and no one is treated specially. All people go to the dining room for food and the storeroom is open for everyone to take what they need for daily life. There is no distribution and supervision. Clothing can be purchased on demand. The basic policy is as long as the goods are not luxurious and wasteful, they will be definitely purchased to meet the need of member. Currency serves no purpose within the community and money transactions have also disappeared between people.


Currently The Second Home is located in China, so basically we does not have any holiday celebration activity except the Dragon Festival, the International Children’s Day, the Mid Autumn Festival, the New Year Festival, and Chinese Spring Festival. We do not celebrate birthdays and gifting between people is not encouraged and supported.


The Second Home tries to prevent any religious ceremonies and political activities; we do not have any religious temple, preaching hall, meditation room or office, and we do not have any form of worshipping such as burning incense and bowing to an idol, therefore we do not hang up the image of any saints, masters or buddha. Everything comes from nature and should be returned to nature, so artificial stuff is unwanted in our home. Moreover, everyone is independent of others, and no one imposes their will upon others.


The cultural and recreational activities in our community are full of variety. In addition to our big monthly parties, we play games and entertainment each other at any time and place that it is appropriate. Game ideas are so varied and abundant that we always have new and exciting ones to play. Singing, dancing, and poetry recitation are the main themes of entertainment. All residents can participate in these activities so that their talents and skills can be developed and displayed. Our home is short on musical talents now, but we are preparing to buy some instruments so that we can enjoy the beautiful music of flutes, a piano, the Chinese pipa, and trumpets throughout our home in future. We do not have a reading room and only have a small volume of books right now, but we plan to set up a library in each branch and most books will be related to philosophy and natural science.


From 2010 to 2013, The Second Home had a school and we taught thirteen children at the third, fourth, and fifth grade primary school levels. We have classroom, desks, blackboards, and a big play ground. The educational materials are the same as those in public schools, so they meet the requirement of the Chinese Department of Education. The teachers are chosen from residents who have either been professional teachers or who have completed tertiary education. In addition to the basic subjects, we have also added, “How to be a competent and useful person” and “The relationship between people and the Greatest Creator (God)”. Children are also required to do some manual labor according to each of their ability, such as cleaning bedrooms and pulling weeds from the yard. English language is also a major subject in primary school education.


“Each does their best according to their ability and asks for what they need”, is a key policy in our home. Everyone, even if they are “800” years old, needs to assume a job within their ability as long as they are still capable. Therefore, we do not say “retired” in our home. Nobody is an idle parasite because everyone has something to do. In fact, working has become everyone’s most basic and enjoyable daily activity; it is almost a form of play. People feel like they are punished when they unable to work.


If anyone in the Second Home were to intentionally harm another member mentally, spiritually, or physically, they would be dismissed immediately from the community. 


The love between man and woman is absolutely free in the Second Home and nobody should interfere with any couple, but group sex is prohibited. We also implement the value of “Ladies before gentlemen” and “Ladies should be respected for no reason”. So men can never actively try to seduce women and any form of sexual harassment is strictly prohibited. Entering a woman’s room without her permission is not permitted. Moreover, there is no marriage in our home and members are relocated to other branches every three years. Therefore, permanent relationships between men and women are almost impossible. If a man and a woman fall in love and do not want to be separated, they can choose to return to the secular world to marry and form a family as people do in traditional society.


We have established a successful example for all people. If everyone were to live according to this new life mode, the world would undoubtedly become a heaven or an Eden. The earth would no longer have wars, conflicts, crimes, famines, or crises, but would enter into a new peaceful era, and man and man, man and society, man and nature would co-exist very harmoniously.


Every single person, no matter which country, ethnic group, religious or political party you come from, and no matter whether you are rich or poor, or big or small, please note that the Second Home will not develop into any kind of political party which might cause you to have problems. I believe that if you are interested in this new life mode and come to join us, you would not lose anything. On the contrary, you would surely get more than you can imagine!


For more infomation on this new life mode, please visit New Oasis China.


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