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[Values] Modernized Streamline Production and the Life Pattern attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-19   5941views 0replies 2017-11-23 15:35

[Values] Be Always Grateful--the Culture Building of the New Oasis for Life II attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   5838views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06

[Values] Be Frank and Honest--the Culture Building of the New Oasis for Life III attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   6097views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06

[Values] Freedom of Emotional and Romantic Love - Culture Building of the New Oasis IV attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   6130views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06

[Values] Believe in and Rely on the Home - the Culture Building of New Oasis for Life V attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   5655views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06

[Values] Eliminate Greed, Corruption, Laziness, Extravagance, Selfishness, and Waste VI attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   6107views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06

[Values] Stick to the Way of Nature--the Culture Building of New Oasis for Life Ⅶ attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   5807views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06

[Values] One Root can Give Birth to Thousands of Branches, Accept the one Root VIII attach_img xidai posted 2017-5-30   5710views 0replies 2017-11-5 12:06


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